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My 2 Centz

Here are my two cents to add to the many who hold the same sentiments as I do.  Here are my two cents to help educate not just the black and brown man woman or child of the Americas, but all the subjugated and oppressed peoples of the world.


The tuition of this education cost 1.3 trillion US dollars. 1.3 trillion dollars is the price tag that the black and brown man woman and child paid for their oppression right here in the USA during the 2017 fiscal year. 1.3 trillion dollars is the ransom we willingly yet unconsciously forked over all year to enhance our enemies methods of subtle genocide upon us. 1.3 trillion dollars is no paltry sum. 1.3 trillion dollars is more than many of the earths developed countries GDP's. Yet the so called black and brown man woman and child of the richest and greatest nation in the world find themselves enslaved, murdered in the streets, ignorant of themselves and poor. 1.3 trillion dollars is our bargaining chip. Blood clears all debt, our hard earned cash is our blood sweat and tears.


They dealt wisely with us. Come, let us consider our current circumstance. Upon this consideration one will truly conclude that we aided and abetted our oppressors in their schemes. Thus making you and I worse than any traitor. We aided and abetted in the killing, enslavement and rape of our sons and daughters. we aided and abetted in the political and economic disenfranchisement and over representation in America’s prison industrial complex. We aided and abetted in the meltdown of our family structures, leaving our responsibility of FATHER in the hands of our haters.


This is no conspiracy theory. The poor treatment of the minorities of this country can not be debated. We think we are free because we can place a vote that does not count. We think that we are saved because we pray to the gods of our slave masters. we think we are rich because our owners may dust a few of his crumbs from his banquet table on to us as we scratch around on the floor. We think that we are accepted because they allow us to shop in their stores, get our children trained in their institutions and allow us to marry their daughters and sons. We made ourselves worse than a traitor.


We were made more like a cur dogged named by our master, the only affection we ever received from him was a kick and the stinging bite of starvation. We were made obedient, so obedient to the point that after his ill treatment towards us, we will still go and fetch 1.3 trillion bones for him annually. We were made to love him! It is okay to love him....BUT WHAT'S WRONG WITH LOVING YOURSELF!!


We start the process of healing...

By being more responsible with our finances.

By spending more than 3% of our 1.3 trillion on each other.

By supporting more of our products and services.

By transcending the indoctrination and superstitions handed down to us by our ancestors. This ancient out dated indoctrination divides us more than any mechanism used for our subjugation. We need to take our children's hearts and minds out of our enemies institutions, and let our qualified educators provide them with a true education that will bring out the potency of GOD within them.


Here are My 2 Centz, it cost you nothing to read this, please pass it on.

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