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  • Writer's pictureMy2Centz


I was on the phone talking to my girlfriend Kimmy about social injustices, insane white killer cops, the criminal justice system and many other topics. She reminded me of a case that occurred in 2013 involving the suspicious as hell death of a promising young Black youth down in Georgia.

Kimmy kept calling the young man K.J. and that showed me how familiar and connected she was to this tragedy. K.J.'s full name Is Kendrick Johnson and my condolences go out to all of his family and friends. You can check out the documentary called Finding Kendrick Johnson and get more details on this case.

This story focused my mind on what I want to talk about, and what I believe is the biggest threat to America's national security and mental health. That threat is Whiteness and the apparent privilege that comes with being white. Just yesterday the only person to go home on the First Step Act was white. Every day he bragged to us how he was this big-time mobster wiseguy from Boston, involved in all of these complicated crimes, etc. And he was the only one who got to go home. When Lil D, Fat D, and just plain ol’ D had lesser crimes, lesser time, they were still classified as ‘high risk’ and ineligible for time off their sentences that would get them home to their families.

How many examples must we see that prove how Whiteness is the number one danger to our national security? I don't even want to get into the stunt the Proud Boys and others pulled at the capitol last year. Whiteness, my darling people. Whiteness. People are losing their lives to the people who took an oath to protect everyone, and all the White boys around here care about (every time there’s a shooting) is their precious high-capacity assault rifle rights, and making it harder for non-whites to vote.

These White folks constantly badmouth and hate all people that are not them. 'Everybody from Chicago is fags and liberals...' the exact (ignorant) words from one of my former supervisors. Just a typical White boy who feels that he ‘made it’ because the Airforce, and his Correctional Officer job, saved his life. He then had the nerve to tell me that I should work a fast-food job when I get home. He grouped ALL blacks and ‘poor’ Whites into this weird category of ‘fatherless’ men, and so by being fatherless, he said, "We don't know how to be men."

Whiteness. How is it that African Americans make up 13.4% of the national population, but represent close to half of the prison population? Whiteness. We can find instances where Whiteness dominates life here in America on every level. The discrimination and racism that we experience on a daily basis from Whiteness is overwhelming. Last night, my cellie and I were having a conversation concerning Whiteness. He said, 'Certain white people just can't help being racist, that's how they were raised up.' I do not agree. It's like saying just because the Stones were selling dope like it was legal, I couldn't help but sell drugs. No. We have a choice. Just like I had a choice to sell drugs.

The White people who are racist against people who are different from them do have a choice. They don’t have to be that way. Whiteness is dangerous, it's malicious and we need to look into this matter with a sense of urgency. Calling out White privilege is the right thing to do. The White people who claim there is no racism are being intentionally ignorant. And they can because of their White privilege. The only way 'Whiteness' is going to change is if kids are taught the truth about how America was built on White privilege and the concept of Manifest Destiny. Every White person in America is an immigrant, we are an immigrant nation, that's who America really is.


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Jan 31, 2022

Great job my love!! 🤗🤗

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